Terms In the Ship World
Terms In the Ship World
- Hull
The hull of the ship (Board Ship) is long and symmetrical. Generally rectangular. On the bow and stern in the form of the letter V (fi). On the front is called Haluan, and Rear is called the Buritan. At the bottom is called Alas, and the wall is called the Stomach. Alas and Stomach is also called Outer Skin.
- Deck
Deck (Deck) is a layer that connects the bag part of the ship. The deck is made not flat, but curved. The top deck is called the Main Deck, and the Upper Deck on the embossed space is called the Kombul's Deck.
- Kimbul
Kimbul is a building with thin walls.
- Double Bottom
Double Bottom is the double bottom. Outside of the base of the vessel and the inside of the inner base (Top Tank) is used for:
1.Provide high protection on vessel safety in the voyage in case of damage to the bottom of the vessel.
2. As a place of "air ballast" if the ship is sailing without charge.
3.As a place to store fuel, fresh water and lubricating oil.
4. Improve stability by filling in multiple base space with liquid load.
- Cofferdam
Cofferdam is a room on a multiple basis, serves to separate the tanks filled with different fluid types.
- Bulk Head
Bulk Head is
Waterproof adhesive There are 2 (two) kinds namely:
1.The Absorption of Bulkhead (Transverse Bulk Head)
2.Large Waterproof Straight (Longitudinal Bulk Head)
Waterproof adhesives have the following benefits:
1.Shipping the vessel over several parts (Kompertment) are impermeable.
2. Increase transverse force on the ship.
3.Mencegah fires propagate in case of fire and prevent water in case of leakage in one room.
waterproof septum that must be installed according to the SOLAS provisions as follows:
1. One breach of breach (Collision Bulk Head)
2. One unit waterproof membrane engine room on the front
3. One unit waterproof membrane engine room on the back
4. One rear waterproof membrane (After Peak Bulk Head)
- Peak Tank
There are two kinds of niche tanks:
1. (Fore Peak Tank), is a tank whose front is limited by the bow height and behind by the breaking bulkhead. The bow is used for a ballast tank or anchoring tub.
2. (After Peak Tank) is a tank bounded by the stern height and rear waterproof wall. This stern is useful for water ballast tanks.
- Ship's Body
The ship's body is equipped by the front of the bow (Stem) and the back with stern height (Stern Post) which are the strong ends for a vessel.
There are several forms of bow that we know, among others:
1.High erect bow (Vertical Stem)
2.Long Lean Skew (Racked Stem)
3.Libu bulba (Bulb Stem)
4.Higher Maier (Maier Stem)
5.High Scissors (Clipper Stem)
6. Ice Breaker Stem (Ice Breaker Stem)
2. (Stern Post)
There are several forms of stern height:
1. Elliptical Form.
2. Cruise Shoot (Cruiser) with a steering wheel.
3. Cruise (Cruiser) with the steering wheel.
4.Bentuk Shape of Latitude (Transom)
- Steering
Steering functions to process the direction of the ship.
- Engine room
The engine room is where the main engine, Auxilary Engine, pump, compressor, and others.
- Load Space
The Load Room is a room under the deck, serving as a storage place for ships.
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